1 Basic setup


# machine learning packages

# finally load tidyverse avoiding key functions from being masked
theme_set(theme_bw() +
            theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
                  strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 11),
                  legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
                  legend.title = element_blank(),
                  axis.text = element_text(size = 11, colour = "black"),
                  title = element_text(colour = "black", face = "bold"),
                  axis.title = element_text(size = 12))) 

# global color set
color.types = c("firebrick", "steelblue", "darkgreen")
names(color.types) = c("adulterated_L_J", "authentic_L_J", "lemonade")

2 Raw data tidy up

path = "/Users/Boyuan/Desktop/My publication/14. Lemon juice (Weiting)/publish ready files/June 2020/Supplementary Material-June-C.xlsx"
d = read_excel(path, sheet = "Final data", range = "A1:R82")
d = d %>% filter(!code %in% c(54:57)) # No. 54-57 belongs to comemrcially sourced lemon juices

# Replace special values
vectorReplace = function(x, searchPattern){
  replaceWith = NA
  if (searchPattern == "T.") {
    # arbitrarily replace Trace level as one fifth of the minimum
    replaceWith = ((as.numeric(x) %>% min(na.rm = T)) / 5) %>% as.character()
  } else if (searchPattern == "n.d.") {
    # arbitrarily set non-detected level as content being zero
    replaceWith = "0"
  } else if (searchPattern == "LOD") {
    # for content whose UV absorption beyond instrument limit, set as double of the maximum value 
    replaceWith = ((as.numeric(x) %>% max(na.rm = T)) * 2) %>% as.character()
  if (is.na(replaceWith)) { return(x) } else { # only performnce replacement when with special values
    x = str_replace_all(x, pattern = searchPattern, replacement = replaceWith)

dd = d[, -c(1:4)]
dd = apply(dd, 2, vectorReplace, searchPattern = "T.")
dd = apply(dd, 2, vectorReplace, searchPattern = "n.d.")
dd = apply(dd, 2, vectorReplace, searchPattern = "LOD") %>% as_tibble()

d = cbind(d[, c(1:4)], # sample id information
          apply(dd, 2, as.numeric) %>% as_tibble()) %>% # content in numeric values

# convert code into ordered factor, in descending order of 1, 2, 3....
d$code = d$code %>% factor(levels = d$code, ordered = T)
d$code = d$code %>% factor(levels = rev(d$code), ordered = T)

3 Exploratory data analysis (EDA)

3.1 Distribution plot

plt.contentDistribution = d %>% gather(-c(1:4), key = compounds, value = content) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = content, fill = type, color = type)) +
  geom_density(alpha = .2) +
  facet_wrap(~compounds, scales = "free", nrow = 3) +
  theme(legend.position = c(.9, .15))

3.2 feature correlation plot

func.plotCorrelation = function(whichType, title){
  d %>% filter(type == whichType) %>%
    select(-c(1:4)) %>% cor() %>%
    ggcorrplot(hc.order = T, method = "circle", colors = c("Firebrick", "white", "Steelblue") %>% rev()) +
    coord_equal() + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "black"), title = element_text(face = "bold"))

func.plotCorrelation(whichType = "authentic_L_J") + ggtitle("Correlation matrix - Authentic lemon juice")

func.plotCorrelation(whichType = "lemonade") + ggtitle("Correlation matrix - Commercial lemonade beverages")

3.3 PCA

mat.scaled = d %>% select(-c(code, Sample, type, character)) %>% scale()
cov.matrix = cov(mat.scaled)
eigens = eigen(cov.matrix) # eigenvectors and values of covariance matrix
eigen.values = eigens$values
eigen.vectorMatrix = eigens$vectors
PC = mat.scaled %*% eigen.vectorMatrix # principle component matrix
colnames(PC) = paste0("PC", 1:ncol(PC)) # add PC's as column names
PC = d.PC = cbind(d[, 1:4], PC) %>% as_tibble()

PC %>% ggplot(aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = type)) +
  geom_point(position = position_jitter(.1, .1), shape = 21, fill = "white") +
  # geom_text(aes(label = code)) +
  scale_color_startrek() +
  labs(x = paste0("PC1, ", round(eigen.values[1]/sum(eigen.values)* 100, 1), "% explained"),
       y = paste0("PC2, ", round(eigen.values[2]/sum(eigen.values)* 100, 1), "% explained")) +

# 3D PCA
# link: https://rpubs.com/Boyuan/lemon_juice_3D_PCA
plot_ly(PC, x = ~ PC1, y =  ~PC2, z =  ~PC3, color = ~ type) %>%
  add_markers() %>%
  layout(title = '3D Interactive PCA',
         scene = list(
           xaxis = list(title = paste0("PC1, ", round(eigen.values[1]/sum(eigen.values)* 100, 1), "% explained")),
           yaxis = list(title = paste0("PC2, ", round(eigen.values[2]/sum(eigen.values)* 100, 1), "% explained")),
           zaxis = list(title = paste0("PC3, ", round(eigen.values[3]/sum(eigen.values)* 100, 1), "% explained"))

3.4 LDA (full data)

3.4.1 Scatterplot

d2 = cbind(type = d$type, mat.scaled %>% as.tibble()) %>% as_tibble()

# LDA model
EDA.mdl.lda = lda(data = d2, type ~., prior = rep(1/3, 3))
EDA.lda = cbind(type.predicted = predict(EDA.mdl.lda)$class, # labels predicted
                type.actual = d2$type, # labels actual
                code = d$code, # unique sequential sample code
                predict(EDA.mdl.lda)$x %>% as_tibble() ) %>%  # 1st and 2nd discriminant
  mutate(status = type.predicted == type.actual) %>%
# EDA.lda

# actual separation
plt.lda.actual = EDA.lda %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = LD1, y = LD2, col = type.actual)) +
  # confidence ellipse as background
  stat_ellipse(level = .8, linetype = "dashed") +
  # add sample labels
  geom_text(aes(label = code), fontface = "bold", size = 3) +
  labs(title = "Actual classification") +
  # theme
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.types)
# plt.lda.actual

# predicted separation
plt.lda.predicted =
  # correct prediction
  EDA.lda %>% filter(status == T) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = LD1, y = LD2, col = type.predicted)) +
  # confidence ellipse as background
  stat_ellipse(level = .8, linetype = "dashed") +
  # add sample labels
  geom_text(aes(label = code), fontface = "bold", size = 3) +
  labs(title = "Predicted classification") +
  # false prediction
  geom_label_repel(data = EDA.lda %>% filter(status == F),
                   aes(label = code, fill = type.predicted),
                   color = "white", fontface = "bold", label.size = 0) + # no border line
  # theme
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.types) +
  annotate(geom = "text", label  = "Squared numbers indicate \nincorrect predictions.",
           x = 1.5, y = 2.1, fontface = "bold", size = 2.5)

# plt.lda.predicted
plt.lda.scatterPlot = plot_grid(plt.lda.actual, plt.lda.predicted, nrow = 1,
                                labels = c("A", "B"))

3.4.2 Decision boundary

# mark decision boundary based on full data
LDcenter = EDA.lda %>%
  group_by(type.actual) %>%
  summarise(LD1.mean = mean(LD1), LD2.mean = mean(LD2))

LDcenter.adulterated = LDcenter[1, 2:3]
LDcenter.authentic = LDcenter[2, 2:3]
LDcenter.commercial = LDcenter[3, 2:3]

LD1.min = EDA.lda$LD1 %>% min()
LD1.max = EDA.lda$LD1 %>% max()

LD2.min = EDA.lda$LD2 %>% min()
LD2.max = 2.5 # EDA.lda$LD2 %>% max()

gridDensity = 100
grid.LD1 = seq(LD1.min, LD1.max, length.out = gridDensity)
grid.LD2 = seq(LD2.min, LD2.max, length.out =  (LD2.max - LD2.min) / (LD1.max - LD1.min) * gridDensity  )
grid.LD = expand.grid(LD1 = grid.LD1, LD2 = grid.LD2)

dist.adulterated = grid.LD %>% apply(1, function(x) ( (x - LDcenter.adulterated)^2 ) %>% sum() )
dist.authentic = grid.LD %>% apply(1, function(x) ( (x - LDcenter.authentic)^2 ) %>% sum() )
dist.commercial = grid.LD %>% apply(1, function(x) ( (x - LDcenter.commercial)^2 ) %>% sum() )

grid.LD = grid.LD %>%
  mutate(dist.adulterated = dist.adulterated,
         dist.authentic = dist.authentic,
         dist.commercial = dist.commercial)
grid.LD = grid.LD %>%
  mutate(boundary = apply(grid.LD[, 3:5], MARGIN = 1, FUN = which.min) %>% as.character())

grid.LD$boundary = grid.LD$boundary %>% str_replace(pattern = "1", replacement = "adulterated_L_J")
grid.LD$boundary = grid.LD$boundary %>% str_replace(pattern = "2", replacement = "authentic_L_J")
grid.LD$boundary = grid.LD$boundary %>% str_replace(pattern = "3", replacement = "lemonade")

# Redraw LDA scatter plot with decision boundary
plt.lda.boundary = grid.LD %>% rename(type.actual = boundary) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = LD1, y = LD2, color = type.actual)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .2, shape = 19, size = .5) +
  # geom_point(data = EDA.lda, inherit.aes = T) +
  # confidence ellipse as background
  stat_ellipse(data = EDA.lda, level = .8, linetype = "dashed") +
  # add sample labels
  geom_text(data = EDA.lda, aes(label = code), fontface = "bold", size = 3) +
  geom_label(data = EDA.lda %>% filter(status != T), size = 3,
             aes(label = code), label.r = unit(.5, "lines")) +
  # theme
  scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.types) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom", panel.grid = element_blank())


# grid.arrange(plt.lda.predicted, plt.lda.boundary, nrow = 2)

4 Machine learning

4.1 Training & cross validation & testing

4.1.1 Training set

# Data preparation
colnames(d) = colnames(d) %>% make.names() # ensure column names are suitable for ML 
d$type = d$type %>% as.factor()

trainTest.split = d %>% initial_split(strata = "type", prop = .7, sed)

# training set
trainingSet.copy = training(trainTest.split) # as a copy of the training set

trainingSet = trainingSet.copy %>% select(-c(code, Sample, character)) # for machine learning training
trainingSet.scaled = trainingSet[, -1] %>% scale() %>% as_tibble() %>% # normalized data
  mutate(type = trainingSet$type) %>% # add type
  select(ncol(trainingSet), 1:(ncol(trainingSet)-1)) # put type as first column

# mean and standard deviation of each feature, for normalization of the test set
mean.vector = trainingSet[, -1] %>% apply(2, mean)
sd.vector = trainingSet[, -1] %>% apply(2, sd)

4.1.2 Testing set

# testing set, normalized based on mean and standard deviation of the training set
testingSet.copy = testing(trainTest.split) # as a copy of the testing set with additional sample info

testingSet = testingSet.copy %>% select(-c(code, Sample, character))
testingSet.scaled = testingSet %>% select(-type) %>% scale(center = mean.vector, scale = sd.vector) %>%
  as_tibble() %>% mutate(type = testingSet$type) %>% # add actual type of the test set
  select(ncol(testingSet), 1:(ncol(testingSet)-1)) # put type as first column

4.1.3 Cross-validation (CV) folds

# CV-fold of the training set, for hyperparameter tune & model performance comparison
trainingSet.cv = trainingSet %>% 
  vfold_cv(v = 5) %>%
  mutate(train = map(.x = splits, .f = ~training(.x)),
         validate = map(.x = splits, .f = ~testing(.x)))

# scale training and validation fold (based on the corresponding training fold)
trainingSet.cv.scaled = trainingSet.cv %>%
  mutate(train.mean = map(.x = train, .f = ~ apply(.x[, -1], 2, mean)),
         train.sd = map(.x =  train, .f = ~ apply(.x[, -1], 2, sd)),
         # wrap mean and std into a list: 1st mean; 2nd std (or instead use pmap function for succinct coding)
         train.mean.sd = map2(.x = train.mean, .y = train.sd, .f = ~list(.x, .y)), 
         # normalize training; note type as the last column 
         train.scaled = map(.x = train, .f = ~ .x[, -1] %>% scale() %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(type = .x$type) ),
         # normalize validation fold based corresponding training fold; note type as the last column
         validate.scaled = map2(.x = validate, .y = train.mean.sd,
                                .f = ~ .x[, -1] %>% scale(center = .y[[1]], scale = .y[[2]]) %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(type = .x$type) ),
         # actual validation result
         validate.actual = map(.x = validate.scaled, .f = ~.x$type)
  ) %>%
  select(-c(train, validate, train.mean, train.sd, splits))

## # A tibble: 5 x 5
##   id    train.mean.sd train.scaled       validate.scaled    validate.actual
##   <chr> <named list>  <named list>       <named list>       <named list>   
## 1 Fold1 <list [2]>    <tibble [44 × 15]> <tibble [11 × 15]> <fct [11]>     
## 2 Fold2 <list [2]>    <tibble [44 × 15]> <tibble [11 × 15]> <fct [11]>     
## 3 Fold3 <list [2]>    <tibble [44 × 15]> <tibble [11 × 15]> <fct [11]>     
## 4 Fold4 <list [2]>    <tibble [44 × 15]> <tibble [11 × 15]> <fct [11]>     
## 5 Fold5 <list [2]>    <tibble [44 × 15]> <tibble [11 × 15]> <fct [11]>

4.2 Support vector machine (SVM)

4.2.1 CV Radial kernal

# Support vector machine -----
# Radial kernal
gammaTune = 10^seq(from = -6, to = 2, by = .5)
costTune.radial = 10^seq(from = -2, to = 5, by = .5)

d.CV.SVM.radial = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  # factorial combination of gamma and cost to tune
  crossing(gamma = gammaTune, cost = costTune.radial) %>% 
  mutate(hyperParameter = map2(.x = gamma, .y = cost, .f = ~list(.x, .y) ),
         # cross validation, set up model for each training fold
         model = map2(.x = train.scaled, .y = hyperParameter, 
                      .f = ~svm(data = .x, type ~., gamma = .y[[1]], cost = .y[[2]],  
                                type = "C-classification", kernel = "radial")),
         validate.fitted =  map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, .f = ~predict(.x, .y)))

# Def func. comparing validation fold actual label vs. fitted label
func.cv.prediction = function(dataset){
  dataset %>% mutate(
    # Note that "validate.fitted" term is outside the function, separately specified by different models due to syntax difference
    # Note that the term "validate.fitted" should be used uniformly across different ML methods
    # actual vs. predicted of the validation set
    validate.fitted.vs.actual = map2(.x = validate.fitted, .y = validate.actual, .f = ~ .x == .y ), 
    accuracy = map_dbl(.x = validate.fitted.vs.actual, .f = ~ round(sum(.x) / length(.x) * 100, 3) ))

# predict on validation fold using prior defined function
d.CV.SVM.radial = d.CV.SVM.radial %>%  func.cv.prediction()

# summarize radial kernel CV result
d.tune.svm.radial = d.CV.SVM.radial %>%
  group_by(gamma, cost) %>%
  summarise(accuracy.mean = mean(accuracy),
            accuracy.sd = sd(accuracy)) %>%
## # A tibble: 255 x 4
## # Groups:   gamma [17]
##     gamma    cost accuracy.mean accuracy.sd
##     <dbl>   <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 0.1       3.16          80.0        17.5
##  2 0.1       1             78.2        15.2
##  3 0.0316   10             76.4        19.9
##  4 0.1      10             76.4        18.9
##  5 0.01     31.6           74.5        17.5
##  6 0.0316   31.6           74.5        17.5
##  7 0.1      31.6           74.5        17.5
##  8 0.1     100             74.5        19.7
##  9 0.1     316.            74.5        19.7
## 10 0.1    1000             74.5        19.7
## # … with 245 more rows
# Func. def: plotting SVM hyper-parameter tuning result
func.plot.tune.HyperParam = function( data, hyper1, hyper2){ 
  # hyper 1 = "gamma" for radial, or "degree" for polynomial; hyper2 = "cost" for SVM 
  data %>% ggplot(aes_string(x = hyper1, y = hyper2, z = "accuracy.mean")) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill = accuracy.mean)) + 
    scale_fill_viridis(option = "A", alpha = .9)  + 
    # stat_contour(color = "grey", size = .5) +
    coord_fixed() +
    theme(panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "black", size = 2),
          panel.grid.major = element_blank())

plt.svm.tune.radial = 
  d.tune.svm.radial %>% func.plot.tune.HyperParam(hyper1 = "gamma", hyper2 = "cost") +
  scale_x_log10(breaks = gammaTune, labels = log10(gammaTune)  ) + 
  scale_y_log10(breaks = costTune.radial, labels = log10(costTune.radial) ) +
  labs(x = "gamma, 10 ^ X", y = "cost, 10 ^ X", title = "SVM Radial Kernel") 
plt.svm.tune.radial Polynomial kenel

polynomialDegree = 2:7
costTune.polynomial = 10^seq(from = -2, to = 5, by = .5)

d.CV.SVM.polynomial = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  # factorial combination of polynomial degree and cost to tune
  crossing(degree = polynomialDegree, cost = costTune.polynomial) %>% 
  mutate(hyperParameter = map2(.x = degree, .y = cost, .f = ~list(.x, .y) ),
         # cross validation, set up model for each training fold
         model = map2(.x = train.scaled, .y = hyperParameter, 
                      .f = ~svm(data = .x, type ~., degree = .y[[1]], cost = .y[[2]],  
                                type = "C-classification", kernel = "polynomial")),
         validate.fitted =  map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, .f = ~predict(.x, .y)))

# predict on validation fold using prior defined function
d.CV.SVM.polynomial = d.CV.SVM.polynomial %>% func.cv.prediction()

# summarize tune result of polynomial kernel
d.tune.svm.polynomial = d.CV.SVM.polynomial %>% 
  group_by(degree, cost) %>%
  summarise(accuracy.mean = mean(accuracy),
            accuracy.sd = sd(accuracy)) %>%
## # A tibble: 90 x 4
## # Groups:   degree [6]
##    degree     cost accuracy.mean accuracy.sd
##     <int>    <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1      3     10            74.5        11.9
##  2      3     31.6          69.1        13.8
##  3      3    100            69.1        10.4
##  4      3    316.           69.1        10.4
##  5      3   1000            69.1        10.4
##  6      3   3162.           69.1        10.4
##  7      3  10000            69.1        10.4
##  8      3  31623.           69.1        10.4
##  9      3 100000            69.1        10.4
## 10      5    100            69.1        13.8
## # … with 80 more rows
# plot tune result of polynomial kernel
plt.svm.tune.polynomial = 
  d.tune.svm.polynomial %>% func.plot.tune.HyperParam(hyper1 = "degree", hyper2 = "cost") +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = polynomialDegree) + 
  scale_y_log10(breaks = costTune.polynomial, labels = log10(costTune.polynomial) ) +
  labs(x = "Degree", y = "Cost, 10 ^ X", title = "SVM Polynomial Kernel") 
plt.svm.tune.polynomial Linear kernel

costTune.linear = 10^seq(from = -2, to = 5, by = .5)

d.CV.SVM.linear = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  crossing(cost = costTune.linear) %>% 
  mutate(model = map2(.x = train.scaled, .y = cost, 
                      .f = ~svm(data = .x, type ~., cost = .y,  
                                type = "C-classification", kernel = "linear")),
         validate.fitted =  map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, .f = ~predict(.x, .y)))

d.CV.SVM.linear = d.CV.SVM.linear %>% func.cv.prediction()

d.tune.svm.linear = d.CV.SVM.linear %>% 
  group_by(cost) %>%
  summarise(accuracy.mean = mean(accuracy),
            accuracy.sd = sd(accuracy)) %>%
## # A tibble: 15 x 3
##           cost accuracy.mean accuracy.sd
##          <dbl>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1      0.316           63.6        18.2
##  2      1               63.6        20.3
##  3      3.16            63.6        20.3
##  4      0.1             61.8        14.9
##  5     10               56.4        17.5
##  6     31.6             56.4        17.5
##  7    100               56.4        17.5
##  8    316.              56.4        19.7
##  9      0.0316          54.5        17.0
## 10   1000               54.5        20.3
## 11   3162.              50.9        23.7
## 12  10000               50.9        23.7
## 13  31623.              50.9        23.7
## 14 100000               50.9        23.7
## 15      0.01            41.8        19.9
d.tune.svm.linear %>% ggplot(aes(x = cost, y = accuracy.mean)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = .8) + geom_point() + geom_line() + 

k1 = d.tune.svm.radial[1, 3:4] %>% mutate(kernel = "radial")
k2 = d.tune.svm.polynomial[1, 3:4] %>% mutate(kernel = "polynomial") # best degree 3
k3 = d.tune.svm.linear[1, 2:3]  %>% mutate(kernel = "linear") 

rbind(k1, k2, k3)
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   accuracy.mean accuracy.sd kernel    
##           <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>     
## 1          80.0        17.5 radial    
## 2          74.5        11.9 polynomial
## 3          63.6        18.2 linear
cv.svm = k1 %>% mutate(model = "SVM")

4.2.2 Training & testing

mdl.svm = svm(data = trainingSet.scaled, type ~., 
              gamma = d.tune.svm.radial$gamma[1], cost = d.tune.svm.radial$cost[1],
              kernel = "radial", type = "C-classification")

accuracy.training.svm = sum(predict(mdl.svm) == trainingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(trainingSet.scaled)*100
cat("Accuracy on the training set is", accuracy.training.svm, "%.")
## Accuracy on the training set is 96.36364 %.
accuracy.testing.svm = sum(predict(mdl.svm, newdata = testingSet.scaled) == testingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(testingSet.scaled) *100
cat("Accuracy on the testing set is", accuracy.testing.svm, "%.")
## Accuracy on the testing set is 81.81818 %.
# confusion matrix
predict.SVM = predict(mdl.svm, newdata = testingSet.scaled)

# Def. func: converting confusion table into tibble format
func.tidyConfusionTable = function(table, modelName){
  tb = table %>% as.data.frame() %>% spread(Var2, value = Freq) %>% mutate(model = modelName)
  colnames(tb) = colnames(tb) %>% str_extract(pattern = one_or_more(WRD) )
cf.svm = table(predict.SVM, testingSet.scaled$type) %>% 
  func.tidyConfusionTable(modelName = "SVM")

4.3 Linear discriminant analysis (LDA)

4.3.1 CV

# Cross validation performance (checking performance only, not for hyper-param tune)
d.CV.LDA = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  mutate(model = map(.x = train.scaled, .f = ~lda(data = .x, type ~ ., prior = rep(1/3, 3))),
         validate.fitted = map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, .f = ~predict(.x, newdata = .y)$class)) %>%

cv.LDA = data.frame(accuracy.mean = d.CV.LDA$accuracy %>% mean(),
                    accuracy.sd = d.CV.LDA$accuracy %>% sd()) %>%
  mutate(model = "LDA")

4.3.2 Training & testing

# set up model on entire training set
mdl.lda = lda(data = trainingSet.scaled, type ~., prior = rep(1/3, 3))

# Prediction on the training set
accuracy.training.LDA = sum(predict(mdl.lda)$class == trainingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(trainingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the training set by Linear Discriminant Analysis is", accuracy.training.LDA, "%." )
## Accuracy on the training set by Linear Discriminant Analysis is 83.63636 %.
# Prediction on the testing set 
fitted.lda = predict(mdl.lda, newdata = testingSet.scaled)
predict.LDA = fitted.lda$class

cf.lda = table(predict.LDA, testingSet.scaled$type) %>%
  func.tidyConfusionTable(modelName = "LDA")

accuracy.testing.lda = sum(predict(mdl.lda, newdata = testingSet.scaled)$class == testingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(testingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the testing set by Linear Discriminant Analysis is", accuracy.testing.lda, "%.")
## Accuracy on the testing set by Linear Discriminant Analysis is 81.81818 %.
# probability distribution sample-wise
d.prob.lda = fitted.lda$posterior %>% as_tibble() %>% mutate(model = "LDA")

4.4 Random forest

4.4.1 CV

featuresTune = 2:8
treesTune = seq(from = 100, to = 1000, by = 100)

d.CV.RF = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  crossing(features = featuresTune, trees = treesTune) %>%
  mutate(parameters = map2(.x = features, .y = trees, .f = ~list(.x, .y)),  # No. of features 1st; No. trees 2nd
         model = map2(.x = train.scaled, .y = parameters, 
                      .f = ~ randomForest(data = .x, type ~.,
                                          mtry = .y[[1]], ntrees = .y[[2]]))

d.CV.RF = d.CV.RF %>% # prediction of the validate fold
  mutate(validate.fitted =  map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, .f = ~ predict(.x, .y)),
         # actual validation result
         validate.actual = map(.x = validate.scaled, .f = ~.x$type %>% as.factor),
         # actual vs. predicted of the validation set
         validate.fitted.vs.actual = map2(.x = validate.fitted, .y = validate.actual, .f = ~ .x == .y ), 
         accuracy = map_dbl(.x = validate.fitted.vs.actual, .f = ~ round(sum(.x) / length(.x) * 100, 3)))

d.tune.RF = d.CV.RF %>%
  group_by(trees, features) %>%
  summarise(accuracy.mean = mean(accuracy),
            accuracy.sd = sd(accuracy)) %>%
## # A tibble: 70 x 4
## # Groups:   trees [10]
##    trees features accuracy.mean accuracy.sd
##    <dbl>    <int>         <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1   400        3          78.2       10.4 
##  2   500        2          78.2       10.4 
##  3   500        5          78.2       10.4 
##  4   700        2          78.2       10.4 
##  5  1000        2          78.2       10.4 
##  6   100        2          76.4       12.2 
##  7   100        3          76.4        8.13
##  8   100        4          76.4       12.2 
##  9   200        2          76.4        8.13
## 10   200        5          76.4        8.13
## # … with 60 more rows
plt.RF.tune = d.tune.RF %>% 
  func.plot.tune.HyperParam(hyper1 = "trees", hyper2 = "features") +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 100) + # an arbitrary ratio for nice display
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = treesTune) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = featuresTune) 

cv.RF = d.tune.RF[1, ] %>% ungroup() %>%  
  select(contains("accuracy")) %>% mutate(model = "RF")

4.4.2 Training & testing

# train model using entire training set
mdl.rf = randomForest(data = trainingSet.scaled, type ~., num.trees = 900, mtry = 2)

# Prediction on the training set
accuracy.training.RF = 
  sum(predict(mdl.rf, newdata = trainingSet.scaled) == trainingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(trainingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the training set by Random Forest is", accuracy.training.RF, "%")
## Accuracy on the training set by Random Forest is 100 %
# Prediction on the testing set by RF
predict.RF = predict(mdl.rf, testingSet.scaled, type = "response")

cf.RF = table(predict.RF, testingSet.scaled$type) %>% 
  func.tidyConfusionTable(modelName = "RF")

accuracy.testing.RF = sum(predict.RF == testingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(testingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the testing set using Random Forest is", accuracy.testing.RF, "%") 
## Accuracy on the testing set using Random Forest is 90.90909 %
# Probability distribution of predicted test set
d.prob.RF = predict(mdl.rf, testingSet.scaled, type = "prob") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(model = "RF")

4.5 Naive Bayes

4.5.1 CV

# cross validation to evaluate model performance (not for tune of hyper-param)
d.CV.NB = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  mutate(model = map(.x = train.scaled, .f = ~naiveBayes(data = .x, type ~ ., prior = rep(1/3, 3))),
         validate.fitted = map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, .f = ~predict(.x, newdata = .y))) %>%

cv.NB = data.frame(accuracy.mean = d.CV.NB$accuracy %>% mean(),
                   accuracy.sd = d.CV.NB$accuracy %>% sd()) %>%
  mutate(model = "NB")

4.5.2 Training & testing

# Set up model on entire training set
mdl.nb = naiveBayes(x = trainingSet.scaled[, -1], 
                    y = trainingSet.scaled$type %>% as.factor(), # y has to be factor 
                    prior = c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3)) 

accuracy.training.NB = sum(predict(mdl.nb, newdata = trainingSet.scaled[, -1]) == trainingSet.scaled$type)/nrow(trainingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the training set using Naive Bayes is", accuracy.training.NB, "%.")
## Accuracy on the training set using Naive Bayes is 83.63636 %.
predict.NB = predict(mdl.nb, testingSet.scaled[, -1])

cf.NB = table(predict.NB, testingSet.scaled$type) %>% 
  func.tidyConfusionTable(modelName = "NB")

accuracy.testing.NB = sum(predict.NB == testingSet.scaled$type)/nrow(testingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the testing set using Naive Bayes is", accuracy.testing.NB, "%.")
## Accuracy on the testing set using Naive Bayes is 81.81818 %.
d.prob.NB = predict(mdl.nb, testingSet.scaled[, -1], type = "raw")  %>%
  as_tibble() %>% mutate(model = "NB")
# d.prob.NB

4.6 logistic (softmax) regression

4.6.1 CV

# cross validation to check model performance. 
d.CV.LR = trainingSet.cv.scaled %>%
  mutate(model = map(.x = train.scaled, # note that in train and validate folds, the type is the last column
                     .f = ~ cv.glmnet(x = .x[, -ncol(.x)] %>% as.matrix(), y = .x$type,
                                      # important that input x has to be matrix!
                                      family = "multinomial", alpha = 1)),
         validate.fitted = map2(.x = model, .y = validate.scaled, 
                                .f = ~ predict(.x, newx = .y[, -ncol(.y)] %>% as.matrix(), 
                                               type = "class", s = .x$lambda.1se ) %>% c() )) %>%

cv.LR = data.frame(accuracy.mean = d.CV.LR$accuracy %>% mean(),
                   accuracy.sd = d.CV.LR$accuracy %>% sd()) %>%
  mutate(model = "LR")

4.6.2 Training & testing

# set up model on entire training set
softmax.cv = cv.glmnet(x = trainingSet.scaled[, -1] %>% as.matrix(), 
                       y = trainingSet.scaled$type, family = "multinomial", alpha = 1)

# Prediction on the training set
fitted.softmax.train = predict(softmax.cv, newx = trainingSet.scaled[, -1] %>% as.matrix(),
                               s = softmax.cv$lambda.1se, type = "class") %>% c()

accuracy.training.LR = sum(fitted.softmax.train == trainingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(trainingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the training set using lasso-regularized softmax regression is", accuracy.training.LR, "%.") 
## Accuracy on the training set using lasso-regularized softmax regression is 56.36364 %.
# Prediction on the testing set
predict.softmax = predict(softmax.cv, newx = testingSet.scaled[, -1] %>% as.matrix(),
                          s = softmax.cv$lambda.1se, type = "class") %>% c()

cf.LR = table(predict.softmax, testingSet.scaled$type) %>%
  func.tidyConfusionTable(modelName = "LR")

accuracy.testing.LR = sum(predict.softmax == testingSet.scaled$type) / nrow(testingSet.scaled) * 100
cat("Accuracy on the training set using lasso-regularized softmax regression is", accuracy.testing.LR, "%.") 
## Accuracy on the training set using lasso-regularized softmax regression is 68.18182 %.
table(predict.softmax, testingSet.scaled$type)
## predict.softmax   adulterated_L_J authentic_L_J lemonade
##   adulterated_L_J               8             4        0
##   lemonade                      0             3        7
# Predicted probability distribution on the test set
d.prob.LR = predict(softmax.cv, newx = testingSet.scaled[, -1] %>% as.matrix(),
                    s = softmax.cv$lambda.1se, type = "response") %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(model = "LR")

colnames(d.prob.LR) = colnames(d.prob.LR) %>% str_extract(one_or_more(WRD))
# d.prob.LR

4.7 All models comparison

This section summarized the prediction result of each model on the testing set. ### Probability distribution

# prob distribution 
func.addSampleInfo = function(dataset) {
  dataset %>% cbind(testingSet.copy %>% select(code, Sample, type, character))

d.prob.lda = d.prob.lda %>% func.addSampleInfo()
d.prob.NB = d.prob.NB %>% func.addSampleInfo()
d.prob.LR = d.prob.LR %>% func.addSampleInfo()
d.prob.RF = d.prob.RF %>% func.addSampleInfo()
d.prob = d.prob.lda %>% rbind(d.prob.NB) %>% rbind(d.prob.LR) %>% rbind(d.prob.RF)

# plot sample-model wise probability distribution 
plt.probabilityDistribution = d.prob %>%
  gather(c(adulterated_L_J, authentic_L_J, lemonade), key = type, value = prob) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = code, y = prob, fill = type)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = .8, color = "white", size = .1, position = "stack") +
  facet_wrap(~model, nrow = 1) +
  coord_flip() + 
  scale_fill_startrek() +
  theme(panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        # the vertical axis title and text refers to identity prediciton plot
        axis.title.y = element_blank(), 
        axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = 1)) +
  labs(y = "Prediction probability", x = "Sample code")
# plt.probabilityDistribution

4.7.1 Sample-wise prediction

d.fittedTestingset = 
  data.frame(LDA = predict.LDA, LR = predict.softmax, NB = predict.NB, RF = predict.RF, 
             SVM = predict.SVM) %>%
  func.addSampleInfo() %>% rename(Actual = type) %>% as_tibble()

d.fittedTestingset.tidy = d.fittedTestingset %>%
  gather(c(LDA, LR, NB, RF, SVM, Actual), key = model, value = fittedType)

plt.predictionResult = 
  d.fittedTestingset.tidy %>%  
  ggplot(aes(x = code, y = 1, color = fittedType)) +
  geom_segment(aes(xend = code, y = .95, yend = 1), size = 4, alpha = .8) +
  facet_wrap(~model, nrow = 1) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 8),
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        panel.spacing = unit(0, "lines"), # facet gap size
        # x axis text and title in white color as placeholders for plot alignment
        axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "white"),
        axis.title.x = element_text(colour = "white"),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none") +
  scale_color_startrek() +
  labs(x = "Sample code")
# plt.predictionResult 

plt.samplewisePrediction = 
  plot_grid(plt.predictionResult, plt.probabilityDistribution, 
            labels = c("A", "B"), label_size = 18, rel_widths = c(2, 4), nrow = 1)

# plt.samplewisePrediction

4.7.2 Confusion matrix

d.cf.tidy = rbind(cf.lda, cf.LR) %>% rbind(cf.NB) %>% rbind(cf.RF) %>% rbind(cf.svm) %>%
  gather(c(adulterated_L_J, authentic_L_J, lemonade), key = actual, value = count)

# Def. func. abbreviating sample types (for display in confusion matrix figure)
func.abreviateTypes = function(vector){
  vector %>% str_replace(pattern = "adulterated_L_J", replacement = "ADLJ") %>%
    str_replace(pattern = "authentic_L_J", replacement = "AULJ") %>% 
    str_replace(pattern = "lemonade", replacement = "LMND")

d.cf.tidy$predict = d.cf.tidy$predict %>% func.abreviateTypes()
d.cf.tidy$actual  = d.cf.tidy$actual %>% func.abreviateTypes()

types = factor(c("LMND", "ADLJ", "AULJ"), ordered = T)

# ordered axis
d.cf.tidy$predict = d.cf.tidy$predict %>% factor(levels = types, ordered = T)
d.cf.tidy$actual = d.cf.tidy$actual %>% factor(levels = rev(types), ordered = T)

# define color
d.cf.tidy = d.cf.tidy %>% 
  mutate(CorrectOrNot = predict == actual,
         diagnal = count != 0 & CorrectOrNot == T,
         offDiag.incorrect = diagnal == F & count > 0, 
         judge = str_c(diagnal,"_", offDiag.incorrect)) 

plt.confusionMatrix = d.cf.tidy %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = actual, y = predict, fill = judge)) +
  geom_label(aes(label = count), alpha = .5, fontface = "bold", size = 5) +
  facet_wrap(~model, nrow = 1) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("FALSE_FALSE" = "lightgrey", 
                               "FALSE_TRUE" = "tomato", 
                               "TRUE_FALSE" = "Steelblue")) +
  theme(legend.position = "",
        axis.text = element_text(face = "bold"),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12)) +
  labs(x = "\nActual identity", y = "Prediction\n")
# plt.confusionMatrix

# grid.arrange(plt.confusionMatrix, plt.samplewisePrediction, nrow = 2)

4.7.3 CV accuracy

This subsection extracted the prior CV result acquired on the training set, to be shown together with the prediction result on the testing set.

# Crossvalidation result
cv.accuracy = rbind(cv.LDA, cv.LR) %>% rbind(cv.NB) %>% rbind(cv.RF) %>% 
  rbind(cv.svm %>% select(-kernel)) %>%
  mutate(Accuracy = paste(accuracy.mean %>% round(1), "±", accuracy.sd %>% round(1)) ) 

# set up theme for pure text
theme.pureText = theme_void() +
  # keeping the text elements in white as place holders for axis alignment with the confusion matrix
  theme(axis.text =  element_text(colour = "white"), # y
        axis.title = element_text(colour = "white", size = 32),
        # large size help text align up with confusion matrix (title wth row gap)
        axis.text.x = element_blank(), # x title and text blank to reduce gap between text rows
        axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())

# Ensure the model order is the same as shown in the confusion matrix
plt.accuracy.cv = cv.accuracy %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = model, y = 1)) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = Accuracy, fontface = "bold" )) +

# plt.accuracy.cv

4.7.4 Training & testing accuracy

This subsection showed the prediction accuracy on the training set and testing set.

model = c("LDA", "LR", "NB", "RF", "SVM")
training = c(accuracy.training.LDA, accuracy.training.LR, accuracy.training.NB, accuracy.training.RF, accuracy.training.svm)
testing = c(accuracy.testing.lda, accuracy.testing.LR, accuracy.testing.NB, accuracy.testing.RF, accuracy.testing.svm)
d.accuracy.train.test = data.frame(model = model, accuracy.training = training, accuracy.testing = testing) 

plt.accuracy.Training = d.accuracy.train.test %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = model, y = 1)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(accuracy.training, 1), fontface = "bold" )) +

# plt.accuracy.Training  

# Accuracy on the testing set
plt.accuracy.Testing = d.accuracy.train.test %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = model, y = 1)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(accuracy.testing, 2)), 
            fontface = "bold") +

# plt.accuracy.Testing

4.7.5 Visualization

# 7.15 X 3.06 on big screen for optimal output!!
plt.accuracy.confusionMatrix =
  plot_grid(plt.accuracy.cv, plt.accuracy.Training, plt.accuracy.Testing, plt.confusionMatrix,
            rel_heights = c(1, 1, 1, 7), nrow = 4,
            labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), 
            label_size = 15, label_x = .03,
            label_colour = "black")
# plt.accuracy.confusionMatrix
# Version for paper, temporarily hide legend for optimal layout, then manually add it in PPT
# Note 7.0 X 4.5 dimension on big screen !!
plt.samplewisePrediction.paperVersion =
            plt.probabilityDistribution + theme(legend.position = "none"), 
            labels = c("E", "F"), label_size = 15, rel_widths = c(2.5, 4), 
            label_x = .03,
            nrow = 1)
# Prediction result all in all
# 7 X 7 on big screen for optimal layout
          nrow = 2, rel_heights = c(2.5, 4))

A,accuracy of prediction of the 5-fold cross-validation within the training set; B, prediction accuracy of the training set using models based on entire training set; C, accuracy of the testing set using models based on entire training set.

5 Model interpretation

lemonFeatures = colnames(trainingSet)[-1]

5.1 Random forest

func.plot.ICE.RF = function(feature) {
  lowerBound = trainingSet.scaled[[feature]] %>% min() 
  upperBound = trainingSet.scaled[[feature]] %>% max() 
  ICE = trainingSet.scaled %>% 
    mutate(instance = 1:nrow(trainingSet.scaled)) # unique instance code for each training example
  ICE = ICE %>% select(ncol(ICE), 1:(ncol(ICE)-1))
  ICE.grid = expand.grid(instance = ICE$instance, 
                         grid = seq(lowerBound, upperBound, length.out = 100)) %>%
    left_join(ICE, by = "instance") %>% as_tibble() %>%
    rename(actual.type = type)
  # update feature of interest without changing feature column order
  ICE.grid[[feature]] = ICE.grid$grid 
  feature.grid = ICE.grid %>% select(-c(grid, instance))
  # Random forest
  ICE.fitted = predict(mdl.rf, newdata = feature.grid, type = "prob")  %>% as_tibble()
  # Individual instance
  ICE.fitted.tidy = ICE.fitted %>% as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(instance = ICE.grid$instance, grid = ICE.grid$grid, actual.type = ICE.grid$actual.type,
           instance = as.numeric(instance)) %>%
    gather(1:3, key = predicted.type, value = fitted.prob) 
  # the overal trend
  ICE.fitted.tidy.OVERAL = ICE.fitted.tidy %>%
    group_by(actual.type, predicted.type, grid) %>%
    summarise(fitted.prob = mean(fitted.prob))
  # plot
  plt.ICE = 
    ICE.fitted.tidy %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = grid, y = fitted.prob, color = actual.type)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = instance), alpha = .3) +
    facet_wrap(~predicted.type, nrow = 1) +
    labs(caption = "color by actual type, faceted by predicted type") +
    scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
    labs(title = paste0(feature, " (Random Forest)"), 
         x = "Standard deviation grids",
         y = "Predicted probability for each class") +
    # overal trend as top layer
    geom_line(data = ICE.fitted.tidy.OVERAL, size = 2) +
    # rug
    geom_rug(data = trainingSet.scaled, aes_string(x = feature), 
             inherit.aes = F, alpha = .3) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(lowerBound, 2)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = .2))
  # Turning point usually much ealier than grid sd 2. 
  # a further manual adjustment than automatic range selection set by "upperBound"
  plt.ICE %>% return()

5.2 logistic (softmax) regression

func.plot.ICE.logistic = function(feature) {
  lowerBound = trainingSet.scaled[[feature]] %>% min() 
  upperBound = trainingSet.scaled[[feature]] %>% max() 
  ICE = trainingSet.scaled %>% 
    mutate(instance = 1:nrow(trainingSet.scaled)) # unique instance code for each training example
  ICE = ICE %>% select(ncol(ICE), 1:(ncol(ICE)-1))
  ICE.grid = expand.grid(instance = ICE$instance, 
                         grid = seq(lowerBound, upperBound, length.out = 100)) %>%
    left_join(ICE, by = "instance") %>% as_tibble() %>%
    rename(actual.type = type)
  # update feature of interest without changing feature column order
  ICE.grid[[feature]] = ICE.grid$grid 
  feature.grid = ICE.grid %>% select(-c(grid, instance))
  # logistic regression
  ICE.fitted = predict(softmax.cv, newx = feature.grid[, -1] %>% as.matrix(),
                       s = softmax.cv$lambda.1se,, type = "response") %>%
    as.tibble() %>%
    rename(adulterated_L_J = adulterated_L_J.1, authentic_L_J = authentic_L_J.1, lemonade = lemonade.1)
  # Individual instance
  ICE.fitted.tidy = ICE.fitted %>% as_tibble() %>%
    mutate(instance = ICE.grid$instance, grid = ICE.grid$grid, actual.type = ICE.grid$actual.type,
           instance = as.numeric(instance)) %>%
    gather(1:3, key = predicted.type, value = fitted.prob) 
  # the overal trend
  ICE.fitted.tidy.OVERAL = ICE.fitted.tidy %>%
    group_by(actual.type, predicted.type, grid) %>%
    summarise(fitted.prob = mean(fitted.prob))
  # plot
  plt.ICE = 
    ICE.fitted.tidy %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = grid, y = fitted.prob, color = actual.type)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = instance), alpha = .3) +
    facet_wrap(~predicted.type, nrow = 1) +
    scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
    labs(title = paste0(feature, " (Logistic regression)"), 
         x = "Standard deviation grids", 
         y = "Predicted probability for each class",
         caption = "color by actual type, faceted by predicted type") +
    # overal trend as top layer
    geom_line(data = ICE.fitted.tidy.OVERAL, size = 2) +
    # rug
    geom_rug(data = trainingSet.scaled, aes_string(x = feature), 
             inherit.aes = F, alpha = .3) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = c(lowerBound, 2)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, by = .2))
  # Turning point usually much ealier than grid sd 2. 
  # a further manual adjustment than automatic range selection set by "upperBound"
  plt.ICE %>% return()

5.3 Visualization

The plotting iterates through all features.

# Model interpretation comparison: RF vs. LR
func.plt.ICE.modelComparison.distribution = function(featureCode = 1){
  plt.ICE.citric.acid.logistic = func.plot.ICE.logistic(feature = lemonFeatures[featureCode])
  plt.ICE.citric.acid.randomForest = func.plot.ICE.RF(feature = lemonFeatures[featureCode])
            # distribution
              # authentic vs. adulterated
              d %>% 
                filter(type != "lemonade") %>%
                ggplot(aes_string(x = lemonFeatures[featureCode], fill = "type", color = "type")) +
                geom_density(alpha = .2, position = "dodge") +
                scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
                scale_fill_manual(values = color.types) +
                theme(legend.position = "none"), 
              # all three classes
              d %>% 
                ggplot(aes_string(x = lemonFeatures[featureCode], fill = "type", color = "type")) +
                geom_density(alpha = .2, position = "dodge") +
                scale_color_manual(values = color.types) +
                scale_fill_manual(values = color.types), 
              # layout
              nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(4, 5) ),
            nrow = 3, rel_heights = c(1, 1, .7), labels = c("A", "B", "C"), label_size = 17
# Make sure the compound names present correctly and professionaly
func.tidyFeatureNames = function(vector){
  vector = vector %>% str_replace(pattern = DOT, replacement = " ")

  if (vector == "X3 4.di.HBA") {return("3,4-diHBA")
  } else if (vector == "X3 HBA") { return("3-HBA")
  } else if (vector == "p Coumaric.acid") { return("p-Coumaric acid")
  } else if (vector == "X4 HBA") {return("4-HBA")
  } else if (vector == "glucose fructose") { return("Glucose & Fructose")
for(i in 1:length(lemonFeatures)){
  # Feature title
  title_theme = ggplot() + 
    geom_text(aes(x = .5, y = .5, 
                  # due to standardized column names, compounds starting with numbers e.g. 3-HBA will start with X
                  # remove that X!
                  label = lemonFeatures[i] %>% func.tidyFeatureNames(), 
              size = 10, fontface = "bold")) + 
    plt = func.plt.ICE.modelComparison.distribution(featureCode = i)
  space = ggplot() + theme_void()
  plot_grid(title_theme, plt, space, rel_heights = c(.5, 10, 2), nrow = 3) %>%
    # print is needed to show the plot

The plotting results are separately shown in the second tab.