In this novel work Development and validation of a micro-QuEChERS method with high-throughput enhanced matrix removal followed with UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS for analysis of raspberry ketone-related phenolic compounds in adipose tissues published in Talanta, we developed a new method to measure raspberry ketone (RK) metabolites in adipose tissue. It involved using enhanced-matrix-removal in a 96-well plate for effective sample cleanup. Additionally, a reversed-phase C18 sorbent was utilized to enhance recovery after SpeedVac drying. A stepwise recovery monitoring technique was developed for validation purposes.

Below is documented the R script for data analysis in this work. The R code was developed with reference to tidyverse documentation, R for Data Science, and for data wrangling, statistical analysis, and data visualization.


theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(axis.text = element_text(colour = "black", size = 14.5),
                             axis.title = element_text(colour = "black", face = "bold", size = 15.5),
                             strip.background = element_blank(),
                             panel.border = element_rect(size = .5, color = "black"),
                             strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12)))

Sorbent optimization

path = "/Users/Boyuan/Desktop/My publication/17. EMR Adipose RK metabolites/data RK lipid EMR validation 3th ,Zhiya 081920.xlsx"

color.cmpd = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"))(26) %>% sort() %>% sort()

d.opt.sorbent = read_excel(path, sheet = "sorbent opt")

d.opt.sorbent = d.opt.sorbent %>%
  gather(-c(`Data File`, sorbent, `Acq. Date-Time`), key = compound, value = resp)

x = d.opt.sorbent %>% filter(sorbent == "ctrl") %>%
  group_by(compound) %>%
  summarise(resp.ctrl.mean = mean(resp),
   = sd(resp))

y = d.opt.sorbent %>% filter(sorbent != "ctrl") %>%
  group_by(sorbent, compound) %>%
  summarise(resp.mean = mean(resp), = sd(resp))

d.opt.sorbent.recovery = y %>% left_join(x, by = c("compound")) %>%
  mutate(recovery.mean = resp.mean / resp.ctrl.mean * 100, = sqrt((^2 + (^2) * recovery.mean  )
## # A tibble: 182 x 8
## # Groups:   sorbent [7]
##    sorbent compound resp.mean resp.ctrl.mean
##    <chr>   <chr>        <dbl>   <dbl>          <dbl>
##  1 100 NP  3-HBA        2537.    91.8          2731.
##  2 100 NP  3-HPAA       2248.   329.           2560.
##  3 100 NP  3-HPPA       3208.   479.           3907.
##  4 100 NP  3,4-DHBA     1123.   178.           1099.
##  5 100 NP  3,4-DHP…      176.   119.            407.
##  6 100 NP  3,4-DHPE     1031.    93.5          1672.
##  7 100 NP  3,4-DHP…      203.    81.7           646.
##  8 100 NP  4-HBA        6886.   742.           7439.
##  9 100 NP  4-HBOH       2652.   280.           3249.
## 10 100 NP  4-HCA        1226.   152.           1367.
## # … with 172 more rows, and 3 more variables:
## # <dbl>, recovery.mean <dbl>,
## # <dbl>
d.opt.sorbent.recovery$sorbent = d.opt.sorbent.recovery$sorbent %>% 
  factor(levels = c("Sorbent free", "100 NP (big size)", "100 NP", "75 NP-25 RP", "50 NP-50 RP", "25 NP-75 RP", "100 RP"), ordered = T)

# low recovery compounds without sorbent
l = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>% filter(sorbent == "Sorbent free") %>%
  filter(recovery.mean < 30)

cmpd.lowRecovery = c("RK-Me", "PhLiAce", "3,4-DHPPA", "3,4-DHPAA", "CA", "4-HBOH")

dg = .3
plt.sorbentOptimization = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>%
  filter(!compound %in% cmpd.lowRecovery ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = sorbent, y = recovery.mean, color = compound, fill = compound)) +
  geom_boxplot(data = d.opt.sorbent.recovery, outlier.alpha = 0, 
               width = .8, fill = "snow1",
               aes(group = sorbent)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = recovery.mean -,
                    ymax = recovery.mean +,
                position = position_dodge(dg), size = .1, width = 1) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg), shape = 21, fill = "white", size = 2) +
  theme(legend.position = "none", panel.grid = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 11, colour = "black"),
        axis.title = element_text(size = 12, colour = "black")) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 150, by = 10)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 110)) +
  # threshold
  geom_segment(aes(x = .5, xend =  7.5, y = 30, yend = 30), 
               linetype = "dashed", size = 1, color = "firebrick") +
  # add special note to low-recovery compound
  geom_line(data = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>% filter(compound %in% cmpd.lowRecovery),
            aes(group = compound), position = position_dodge(dg), linetype = "dotted") +
  geom_errorbar(data = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>% filter(compound %in% cmpd.lowRecovery),
                aes(ymin = recovery.mean -,
                    ymax = recovery.mean +,
                position = position_dodge(dg), size = .1, width = .1) +
  geom_point(data = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>% filter(compound %in% cmpd.lowRecovery),
             aes(group = compound), position = position_dodge(dg),
             shape = 21, fill = "white", size = 2, stroke = 1) +
  # fill with transparent color
  geom_point(data = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>% filter(compound %in% cmpd.lowRecovery),
             aes(group = compound), position = position_dodge(dg),
             shape = 21, size = 2, alpha = .6) +
  geom_text_repel(data = d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>% filter(compound %in% cmpd.lowRecovery),
                  aes(label = compound), size = 3, fontface = "bold",
                  position = position_dodge(dg)) +
  labs(y = "Recovery (%)", x = "Sorbent") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.cmpd) 

# 7.5 X 8.9 Mac screen

d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>%
  filter(compound %in% c("RK-Me", "PhLiAce", "4-HBOH")) %>%
  select(sorbent, compound, recovery.mean) %>% spread(sorbent, recovery.mean)
## # A tibble: 3 x 8
##   compound `Sorbent free` `100 NP (big si… `100 NP`
##   <chr>             <dbl>            <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 4-HBOH           22.1               72.7     81.6
## 2 PhLiAce           0.456             16.0     17.1
## 3 RK-Me             0.952             66.4     60.0
## # … with 4 more variables: `75 NP-25 RP` <dbl>, `50
## #   NP-50 RP` <dbl>, `25 NP-75 RP` <dbl>, `100 RP` <dbl>
d.opt.sorbent.recovery$compound %>% n_distinct()
## [1] 26
# Effect of sorbent mass
d.opt.sorbent.mass = read_excel(path, sheet = "sorbent mass")
d.opt.sorbent.mass = d.opt.sorbent.mass %>% 
  gather(-c(`Data File`, code, `Acq. Date-Time`, `sorbent mass`), key = compound, value = resp) %>%
  group_by(compound) %>%
  mutate(resp.relative = resp / mean(resp)) 

d.opt.sorbent.mass = d.opt.sorbent.mass %>%
  group_by(`sorbent mass`, compound) %>%
  summarise(resp.relative.mean = mean(resp.relative), = sd(resp.relative)) 
## # A tibble: 78 x 4
## # Groups:   sorbent mass [3]
##    `sorbent mass` compound resp.relative.m…
##    <chr>          <chr>               <dbl>
##  1 1~5 mg         3-HBA                1.06
##  2 1~5 mg         3-HPAA               1.03
##  3 1~5 mg         3-HPPA               1.10
##  4 1~5 mg         3,4-DHBA             1.21
##  5 1~5 mg         3,4-DHP…             1.50
##  6 1~5 mg         3,4-DHPE             1.18
##  7 1~5 mg         3,4-DHP…             1.23
##  8 1~5 mg         4-HBA                1.06
##  9 1~5 mg         4-HBOH               1.07
## 10 1~5 mg         4-HCA                1.07
## # … with 68 more rows, and 1 more variable:
## # <dbl>
plt.sorbent.mass = d.opt.sorbent.mass %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = `sorbent mass`, y = resp.relative.mean, color = compound)) +
  geom_boxplot(aes(group = `sorbent mass`), outlier.alpha = 0) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = resp.relative.mean -,
                    ymax = resp.relative.mean +,
                position = position_dodge(.5), size = .2, width = 1.2) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(.5), shape = 21, fill = "white") +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(.5, 1.6)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(.6, 1.6, .2)) +
  labs(y = "Relative peak intensity", caption = "Reconstituted in 100 uL 60% MeOH 0.1% FA before LCMS analysis")


# <>0^%@#$!)(*&^$##&$)^$(^#!~#$)# <>0^%@#$!)(*&^$##&$)^$(^#!~#$)# <>0^%@#$!)(*&^$##&$)^$(^#!~#$)# <>0^%@#$!)(*&^$##&$)^$(^#!~#$)

Accuracy validation

# Validation
d.conc = read_excel(path, sheet = "calculated concentration")
d.conc = d.conc %>% 
  gather(-c(`Data File`, Name, `Acq. Date-Time`), key = compound, value = conc) %>%
  select(-`Acq. Date-Time`)

# blank concentration
d.conc.blk = d.conc %>% filter(Name == "Adi + Enz") %>% 
  select(-c(Name, `Data File`)) %>%
  group_by(compound) %>%
  summarise(conc.blk.mean = mean(conc, na.rm = T),
   = sd(conc, na.rm = T))

# total measured conc. (spiked + background)
d.ABCD = d.conc %>% filter(Name %in% c("A", "B", "C", "D")) %>%
  group_by(compound, Name) %>%
  summarise(conc.all.mean = mean(conc, na.rm = T),
   = sd(conc, na.rm = T))

# subract background
d.ABCD = d.ABCD %>% left_join(d.conc.blk, by = "compound") %>%
  mutate(conc.spk.mean = conc.all.mean - conc.blk.mean, = (^2 +^2) %>% sqrt()) %>%
  select(compound, Name, contains("spk"))

# Expected spiked amount
d.expect = read_excel(path, sheet = "stock solution", range = "B2:O28") %>%
  select(compound, A, B, C, D)

d.expect = d.expect %>%
  gather(-compound, key = Name, value = conc.expected)

# Compute Accuracy
d.ABCD = d.ABCD %>% left_join(d.expect, by = c("compound", "Name")) %>%
  mutate(Accuracy.mean = conc.spk.mean / conc.expected * 100, = / conc.expected * 100) %>% 
  # add spike concentration level
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(level = rep(c("2000", "500", "100", "20"), time = d.ABCD$compound %>% n_distinct()),
         level = factor(level, levels = c("2000", "500", "100", "20"), ordered = T))  

# 3,4-DHPPA D level below limit of quantification
d.ABCD = d.ABCD %>% filter(! ((compound == "3,4-DHPPA") & (Name == "D")))

# accuracy box plot
dg = .4
plt.accuracy = d.ABCD %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = level, y = Accuracy.mean, color = compound, fill = compound)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = 0, aes(group = Name), fill = "grey", width = .8) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Accuracy.mean -,
                    ymax = Accuracy.mean + ),
                size = .2, width = 1, position = position_dodge(dg)) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg), shape = 21, fill = "white", size = 4.5) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg), shape = 21, alpha = 0.2, size = 4.5) +
  theme(legend.position = "None", panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 180, by = 20)) +
  geom_text_repel(data = d.ABCD %>% 
                    filter(Accuracy.mean > 140 | Accuracy.mean < 60 ),
                  aes(label = compound), size = 5, position = position_dodge(dg)) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 180)) +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 4.5, y = 120, yend = 120, 
           linetype = "dashed", size = .6, color = "firebrick") +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 4.5, y = 80, yend = 80, 
           linetype = "dashed", size = .6, color = "firebrick") +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 4.5, y = 100, yend = 100, 
           linetype = "dashed", size = .6, color = "darkgreen") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  labs(y = "Accuracy", x = "Spiked concentration of final injection (ng/mL)")

# annotation standard: Accuracy.mean > 140 | Accuracy.mean < 60 | > 50

d.ABCD %>% filter( > 50) 
## # A tibble: 3 x 8
##   compound Name  conc.spk.mean conc.expected
##   <chr>    <chr>         <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>
## 1 4-HBA    D              7.77        22.1          17.5
## 2 4-HPAA   D             18.1         12.3          19.4
## 3 CA       D             32.4         16.7          21.7
## # … with 3 more variables: Accuracy.mean <dbl>,
## # <dbl>, level <ord>
# <>)*$#*(#@!$&<>*&%$#@!@#^*^# <>)*$#*(#@!$&<>*&%$#@!@#^*^# <>)*$#*(#@!$&<>*&%$#@!@#^*^# <>)*$#*(#@!$&<>*&%$#@!@#^*^

Stepwise recovery validation

# Recovery at each step
d.area = read_excel(path, sheet = "peak area")
d.area = d.area %>% 
  gather(-c(`Data File`, Name, `Acq. Date-Time`), key = compound, value = area)

d.area.copy = d.area # make a copy for later use with comparison with internal standard

# background 
d.area.blk = d.area %>% filter(Name == "Adi + Enz") %>% 
  group_by(compound) %>%
  summarise(area.blk.mean = mean(area, na.rm = T),
   = sd(area, na.rm = T))

# total area at each step ( spiked + background )
d.area.steps = d.area %>% 
  filter(Name %in% c("B", "C", "PX", "PC", "PR", "PR neat", "no silica gel", "PR neat")) %>%
  group_by(compound, Name) %>%
  summarise(area.mean = mean(area, na.rm = T),
   = sd(area, na.rm = T))

# subtract background
d.area.steps = d.area.steps %>% left_join(d.area.blk, by = "compound") %>%
  mutate(area.spk.mean = area.mean - area.blk.mean, = (^2 +^2) %>% sqrt()) %>%
  select(compound, Name, contains("spk"))
## # A tibble: 182 x 4
## # Groups:   compound [26]
##    compound Name          area.spk.mean
##    <chr>    <chr>                 <dbl>       <dbl>
##  1 3-HBA    B                    18195.      1554. 
##  2 3-HBA    C                     3564.       249. 
##  3 3-HBA    no silica gel         3845.       288. 
##  4 3-HBA    PC                   23085.      1431. 
##  5 3-HBA    PR                   23494.       727. 
##  6 3-HBA    PR neat              30583.      1915. 
##  7 3-HBA    PX                   20413.      1060. 
##  8 3-HPAA   B                     6893.       491. 
##  9 3-HPAA   C                     1320.       123. 
## 10 3-HPAA   no silica gel         1535.        74.5
## # … with 172 more rows
# spread apart steps into separate columns
x = d.area.steps %>% select( %>% 
  spread(key = Name, value = area.spk.mean)
colnames(x) = c("compound", colnames(x)[-1] %>% str_c(".mean"))

y = d.area.steps %>% select(-area.spk.mean) %>% 
  spread(key = Name, value =
colnames(y) = c("compound", colnames(y)[-1] %>% str_c(".sd"))
## # A tibble: 26 x 8
## # Groups:   compound [26]
##    compound `no silica gel.…
##    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 3-HBA     1554.  249.            288.  1431.  727.
##  2 3-HPAA     491.  123.             74.5  489.  397.
##  3 3-HPPA    2908.  936.            281.  3529. 1474.
##  4 3,4-DHBA  4313.  971.            658.  4378. 2164.
##  5 3,4-DHP…  2733.  502.            377.  2327. 1664.
##  6 3,4-DHPE   811.  147.             83.6  707.  448.
##  7 3,4-DHP…  2083.  359.            107.  3207. 3292.
##  8 4-HBA    10031. 5853.           2516.  7081. 3001.
##  9 4-HBOH     933.  232.            102.  2094. 1614.
## 10 4-HCA     1983.  459.            360.  2743. 1404.
## # … with 16 more rows, and 2 more variables: `PR
## #` <dbl>, <dbl>
d.area.steps = left_join(x, y, by = "compound")

# recovery at each steps (now background subtracted)
d.recovery = d.area.steps %>%
    # extraction (relative to spike amount of post extraction or PX)
    rec.extraction.mean = B.mean / PX.mean  * 100, = sqrt(( / PX.mean)^2 + ( / B.mean)^2) * rec.extraction.mean,
    # EMR clean up (relative to spike amount of post clean up or PC)
    rec.EMR.mean = PX.mean / PC.mean * 100, = sqrt(( / PX.mean)^2 + ( / PC.mean)^2)* rec.EMR.mean,
    # SpeedVac drying & reconstitution (relative to spike amount of post reconstitution or PR)
    rec.DryReconstitute.mean = PC.mean / PR.mean * 100, = sqrt(( / PC.mean)^2 + ( / PR.mean)^2) * rec.DryReconstitute.mean,
    # # add silica gel effect (relative to without, using spike level C)
    # sorbent.mean = C.mean  / `no silica gel.mean`, # (improvenment fold), with improvement > 1
    # = sqrt((`no silica` / `no silica gel.mean`)^2 + ( / C.mean)^2) * sorbent.mean,
    # Overall recovery 
    rec.Overall.mean = B.mean / PR.mean * 100, = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( PR.mean)^2) * rec.Overall.mean,
    # matrix effect to ESI
    matrixESI.mean = PR.mean / `PR neat.mean` * 100, = sqrt(( / PR.mean)^2 + (`PR` / `PR neat.mean`)^2) * matrixESI.mean,
    # Overall processing efficiency
    process.eff.mean = B.mean / `PR neat.mean` * 100, = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + (`PR` / `PR neat.mean`)^2) * process.eff.mean) %>%
  select(compound, contains("rec"), contains("ESI"), contains("process"))

x = d.recovery %>%
  select(compound, contains("mean")) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = mean) %>%
  mutate(step = str_remove(step, pattern = ".mean"))

y = d.recovery %>%
  select(compound, contains("sd")) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = sd) %>%
  mutate(step = str_remove(step, pattern = ".sd"))
## # A tibble: 156 x 3
## # Groups:   compound [26]
##    compound  step              sd
##    <chr>     <chr>          <dbl>
##  1 3-HBA     rec.extraction  8.91
##  2 3-HPAA    rec.extraction  7.39
##  3 3-HPPA    rec.extraction  7.61
##  4 3,4-DHBA  rec.extraction  9.13
##  5 3,4-DHPAA rec.extraction 14.2 
##  6 3,4-DHPE  rec.extraction 21.5 
##  7 3,4-DHPPA rec.extraction 23.9 
##  8 4-HBA     rec.extraction 13.8 
##  9 4-HBOH    rec.extraction 16.3 
## 10 4-HCA     rec.extraction  7.07
## # … with 146 more rows
d.recovery.tidy = x %>% left_join(y, by = c("compound", "step"))

# compound wise
# d.recovery.tidy %>%
#   ggplot(aes(x = compound, y = mean, color = step)) +
#   geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg)) +
#   coord_flip()

# overview
d.recovery.tidy$step = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.extraction", replacement = "Extraction")
d.recovery.tidy$step = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.EMR", replacement = "Enhanced matrix removal")
d.recovery.tidy$step = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.DryReconstitute", replacement = "Dry & reconstitute")
d.recovery.tidy$step = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.Overall", replacement = "Overall recovery")
d.recovery.tidy$step = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "matrixESI", replacement = "Matrix effect (ESI)")
d.recovery.tidy$step = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "process.eff", replacement = "Overall processing efficiency")

d.recovery.tidy$step = factor(d.recovery.tidy$step, levels = d.recovery.tidy$step %>% unique(), ordered = T)

plt.recovery.steps = d.recovery.tidy %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = step, y = mean, color = compound, fill = compound)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = 0, fill = "grey", aes(group = step)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - sd, ymax = mean + sd),
                position = position_dodge(dg), 
                size = .2, width = 1) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg),
             shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 1, fill = "white") +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg),
             shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 1, alpha = .2) +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 6.5, y = 100, yend = 100, 
           linetype = "dashed", size = .4, color = "darkgreen") +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 6.5, y = 80, yend = 80, 
           linetype = "dashed", size = .4, color = "firebrick") +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(20, 140)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 200, by = 10)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  theme(legend.position = "None") +
  labs(x = " ") +
  geom_text_repel(data = d.recovery.tidy %>% filter(mean > 110 | mean <= 50), 
                  aes(label = compound), position = position_dodge(dg), size = 3)

# *<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&*<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&*<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&*<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&*<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&*<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&*<^%#^&*$#@!%$#^&

Sorbent effect revisit

# sorbent improvement effect
# For this section the peak area should NOT subtract background since background is measured WITH sorbent. The with sorbent and without sorbent should be compared directly with background content included
d.area.sorbent = d.area %>% filter(Name %in% c("C", "no silica gel")) %>%
  group_by(compound, Name) %>%
  summarise(area.mean = mean(area),
   = sd(area))

x = d.area.sorbent %>% select( %>% spread(key = Name, value = area.mean)
colnames(x) = c("compound", "C.mean", "no silica gel.mean")

y = d.area.sorbent %>% select(-area.mean) %>% spread(key = Name, value =
colnames(y) = c("compound", "", "no silica")

d.area.sorbent = left_join(x, y, by = "compound") %>%
  mutate(sorbent.mean = C.mean / `no silica gel.mean`, = / `no silica`)

dg. =5
plt.sorbent.validate = d.area.sorbent %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = 1, y = sorbent.mean, color = compound, fill = compound)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = 0, fill = "grey", aes(group = 1)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = sorbent.mean -, 
                    ymax = sorbent.mean +,
                position = position_dodge(dg),
                size = .2, width = 1) +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg),
             shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 1, fill = "white") +
  geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg),
             shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 1, alpha = .2) +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 1.5, y = 1, yend = 1, 
           linetype = "dashed", size = .4, color = "darkgreen") +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  theme(legend.position = "None",
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank())  +
  labs(x = "", y = "Fold increase of peak area with sorbent than without ") +
  geom_text_repel(data = d.area.sorbent %>% filter(sorbent.mean > 2),
                  aes(label = compound), position = position_dodge(dg), size = 3) +
  # scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 7, 1))+
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 6))


ISTD-corrected stepwise recovery

# Recovery with internal standard correcting the loss effect

# IS area in each sample file
d.area.IS1 = read_excel(path, sheet = "IS1 peak area")
d.area.IS2 = read_excel(path, sheet = "IS2 peak area") 

d.area.IS = d.area.IS1 %>% 
  left_join(d.area.IS2 %>% select(-c(`Acq. Date-Time`, Name)),
            by = c("Data File"))

# d.area.IS[!complete.cases(d.area.IS), ]

# Compounds vs. IS
d.IS = read_excel(path, sheet = "IS")

# Compoute area corrected 
d.area.corrected = d.area.copy %>% 
  filter(Name %in% c("B", "PX", "PC", "PR", "PR neat")) %>%
  # subtract background on a sample wise manner
  left_join(d.area.blk, by = "compound") %>%
  mutate(spk.mean = area - area.blk.mean, = %>%
  select(-c(area, contains("blk"))) %>%
  # which IS
  left_join(d.IS, by = "compound") 

# compounds using 4-HBA as IS
x = d.area.corrected %>% filter(IS == "4-HBA-d4") %>%
  left_join(d.area.IS %>% select(`Data File`, `4-HBA-d4`), by = "Data File") %>%
  rename(area.IS = `4-HBA-d4`)

# compounds using cinnamic acid as IS
y = d.area.corrected %>% filter(IS == "cinnamic-d6") %>%
  left_join(d.area.IS %>% select(`Data File`, `cinnamic-d6`), by = "Data File") %>%
  rename(area.IS = `cinnamic-d6`)

# combine 2 IS's
d.area.corrected = rbind(x, y)

d.area.corrected = d.area.corrected %>%
  select(-c(`Data File`, `Acq. Date-Time`)) %>%
  # now area corrected with area of IS, shown as the ratio
  mutate(ratio = spk.mean / area.IS, = / area.IS) %>%
  select(-contains("spk"), -contains("IS"))

d.area.corrected = d.area.corrected %>% 
  group_by(Name, compound) %>%
  summarise(ratio.mean = mean(ratio, na.rm = T),
   = sd(ratio, na.rm = T))

# d.area.corrected[!complete.cases(d.area.corrected), ]

# spread columns apart
x = d.area.corrected %>% select( %>%
  spread(key = Name, value = ratio.mean)
colnames(x) = c("compound", colnames(x)[-1] %>% str_c(".mean") )

y = d.area.corrected %>% select(-ratio.mean) %>%
  spread(key = Name, value =
colnames(y) = c("compound", colnames(y)[-1] %>% str_c(".sd") )

d.area.corrected = left_join(x, y, by = "compound")

# compute recovery corrected by IS
d.recovery.corrected = d.area.corrected %>%
  # the recovery code format is the same as above without correction
    # extraction (relative to spike amount of post extraction or PX)
    rec.extraction.mean = B.mean / PX.mean  * 100, = sqrt(( / PX.mean)^2 + ( / B.mean)^2) * rec.extraction.mean,
    # EMR clean up (relative to spike amount of post clean up or PC)
    rec.EMR.mean = PX.mean / PC.mean * 100, = sqrt(( / PX.mean)^2 + ( / PC.mean)^2)* rec.EMR.mean,
    # SpeedVac drying & reconstitution (relative to spike amount of post reconstitution or PR)
    rec.DryReconstitute.mean = PC.mean / PR.mean * 100, = sqrt(( / PC.mean)^2 + ( / PR.mean)^2) * rec.DryReconstitute.mean,
    # # add silica gel effect (relative to without, using spike level C)
    # sorbent.mean = C.mean  / `no silica gel.mean`, # (improvenment fold), with improvement > 1
    # = sqrt((`no silica` / `no silica gel.mean`)^2 + ( / C.mean)^2) * sorbent.mean,
    # Overall recovery 
    rec.Overall.mean = B.mean / PR.mean * 100, = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( PR.mean)^2) * rec.Overall.mean,
    # matrix effect to ESI
    matrixESI.mean = PR.mean / `PR neat.mean` * 100, = sqrt(( / PR.mean)^2 + (`PR` / `PR neat.mean`)^2) * matrixESI.mean,
    # Overall processing efficiency
    process.eff.mean = B.mean / `PR neat.mean` * 100, = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + (`PR` / `PR neat.mean`)^2) * process.eff.mean) %>%
  select(compound, contains("rec"), contains("ESI"), contains("process"))

## # A tibble: 26 x 13
##    compound rec.extraction.… rec.extraction.…
##    <chr>               <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1 3-HBA                95.1             5.42
##  2 3-HPAA               95.9             6.83
##  3 3-HPPA              126.             12.9 
##  4 3,4-DHBA             94.5             5.56
##  5 3,4-DHP…             84.6            14.6 
##  6 3,4-DHPE             78.8            24.6 
##  7 3,4-DHP…             96.7            30.5 
##  8 4-HBA                99.9             9.77
##  9 4-HBOH               85.0            18.6 
## 10 4-HCA                84.0             6.21
## # … with 16 more rows, and 10 more variables:
## #   rec.EMR.mean <dbl>, <dbl>,
## #   rec.DryReconstitute.mean <dbl>,
## # <dbl>,
## #   rec.Overall.mean <dbl>, <dbl>,
## #   matrixESI.mean <dbl>, <dbl>,
## #   process.eff.mean <dbl>, <dbl>
# colnames(d.recovery.corrected) = c("compound", str_c("crrct.", colnames(d.recovery.corrected)[-1]))
# d.recovery.corrected

# -------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------<>-------

x = d.recovery.corrected %>%
  select(compound, contains("mean")) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = mean) %>%
  mutate(step = str_remove(step, pattern = ".mean"))

y = d.recovery.corrected %>%
  select(compound, contains("sd")) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = sd) %>%
  mutate(step = str_remove(step, pattern = ".sd"))

d.recovery.corrected.tidy = x %>% left_join(y, by = c("compound", "step"))

# combine dataset of recovery corrected and not corrected
d.recovery.all = rbind(d.recovery.corrected.tidy %>% mutate(corrected = "ISTD-corrected") %>% ungroup(), 
                       d.recovery.tidy %>% mutate(corrected = "Absolute") %>% ungroup())

d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.extraction", replacement = "Extraction")
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.EMR", replacement = "Enhanced matrix removal")
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.DryReconstitute", replacement = "Dry & reconstitute")
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "rec.Overall", replacement = "Overall recovery")

d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "matrixESI", replacement = "Matrix effect (ESI)")
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "process.eff", replacement = "Overall processing efficiency")

# ordered step
d.recovery.all$step = factor(d.recovery.all$step, levels = d.recovery.all$step %>% unique(), ordered = T)

# plot
dg = .4

plt.recovery.all = d.recovery.all %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = corrected, y = mean)) +
  facet_wrap(~step, nrow = 2) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.alpha = 0, fill = "grey") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - sd, ymax = mean + sd, color = compound),
                position = position_dodge(dg), 
                size = .2, width = 1) +
  geom_point(aes(color = compound),
             position = position_dodge(dg),
             size = 4.5, fill = "white", shape = 21) +
  geom_point(aes(color = compound, fill = compound),
             position = position_dodge(dg),
             size = 4.5, shape = 21, alpha = .2) +
  # geom_point(position = position_dodge(dg),
  #            shape = 21, size = 3, stroke = 1, alpha = .2) +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 180)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 200, by = 20)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  theme(legend.position = "None", panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  labs(x = "  ") +
  # geom_text_repel(data = d.recovery.all$step %>% filter(mean > 110 | mean <= 60), 
  #                 aes(label = compound), position = position_dodge(dg), size = 3) +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 2.5, y = 120, yend = 120, 
           linetype = "dotted", size = .6, color = "firebrick") +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 2.5, y = 80, yend = 80, 
           linetype = "dotted", size = .6, color = "firebrick") +
  annotate("segment", x = .5, xend = 2.5, y = 100, yend = 100, 
           linetype = "dotted", size = .6, color = "darkgreen") +
  geom_text_repel(data = d.recovery.all %>% filter(mean < 50 | mean > 118 ),
                  aes(label = compound, color = compound), size = 5)

# grid.arrange(plt.accuracy, plt.recovery.all, nrow = 2)

Accumulated recovery

# Compound-stepwise recovery (accumulative effect) Not corrected
d.recovery.cummulated = d.recovery.all %>% filter(corrected == "Absolute" ) %>%
  # filter(compound == "4-HBA") %>%
  select(-sd, -corrected) %>%
  spread(key = step, value = mean)

d.recovery.cummulated = d.recovery.cummulated %>%
  mutate(Start = 100 + rnorm(n = nrow(d.recovery.cummulated), mean = 0, sd = 0), 
         # some random noise over 100 to avoid overlap
         Extraction.0 = Start,
         Extraction.1 = Extraction,
         EMR.0 = Extraction.1,
         EMR.1 = Extraction.1 * `Enhanced matrix removal` / 100,
         Dry.0 = EMR.1, 
         Dry.1 = EMR.1 * `Dry & reconstitute` / 100,
         matrixEffect.0 = Dry.1,
         matrixEffect.1 = Dry.1 * `Matrix effect (ESI)` / 100, 
         Detected = matrixEffect.1) %>%
  select(compound, Start, contains(".0"), contains(".1"), Detected) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = recovery.cummulated)

# make a copy for later marking the plot the position of accumulated recovery on the y axis (horizontal line)
ymark = d.recovery.cummulated[d.recovery.cummulated$step %>% str_detect(pattern = ".1"), ]
ymark$step = ymark$step %>% str_remove(pattern = ".1")
ymark = ymark %>% mutate(status = "Absolute")

d.recovery.cummulated$step = d.recovery.cummulated$step %>% str_remove(pattern = ".0")  
d.recovery.cummulated$step = d.recovery.cummulated$step %>% str_remove(pattern = ".1")  

d.recovery.cummulated$step = d.recovery.cummulated$step %>% 
  factor(levels = d.recovery.cummulated$step %>% unique(), ordered = T)

# add IS. label
d.recovery.cummulated = 
  d.recovery.cummulated %>% left_join(d.IS, by = "compound")

# d.recovery.cummulated %>%


# Compound-stepwise recovery (accumulative effect) Corrected

# d.recovery.all %>% arrange(compound, step) %>%

d.recovery.cummulated.corrected = d.recovery.all %>% 
  filter(corrected == "ISTD-corrected" ) %>%
  select(-sd, -corrected) %>%
  spread(key = step, value = mean)

d.recovery.cummulated.corrected = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected %>%
  mutate(Start = 100, 
         # may also consider adding some random noise over 100 to avoid overlap
         Extraction.0 = Start,
         Extraction.1 = Extraction,
         EMR.0 = Extraction.1,
         EMR.1 = Extraction.1 * `Enhanced matrix removal` / 100,
         Dry.0 = EMR.1, 
         Dry.1 = EMR.1 * `Dry & reconstitute` / 100,
         matrixEffect.0 = Dry.1,
         matrixEffect.1 = Dry.1 * `Matrix effect (ESI)` / 100, 
         Detected = matrixEffect.1) %>%
  select(compound, Start, contains(".0"), contains(".1"), Detected) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = recovery.cummulated)

# d.recovery.cummulated.corrected %>%

# make a copy for later marking the plot the position of accumulated recovery on the y axis
ymark.corrected = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected[d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step %>% str_detect(pattern = ".1"), ]
ymark.corrected$step = ymark.corrected$step %>% str_remove(pattern = ".1")
ymark.corrected = ymark.corrected %>% mutate(status = "ISTD-corrected")

d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step %>% str_remove(pattern = ".0")  
d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step %>% str_remove(pattern = ".1")  

d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step %>% 
  factor(levels = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$step %>% unique(), ordered = T)

# d.recovery.cummulated.corrected %>% 
#   arrange(compound, step) %>% # so far correct

# add IS. label
d.recovery.cummulated.corrected = 
  d.recovery.cummulated.corrected %>% left_join(d.IS, by = "compound")

# d.recovery.cummulated.corrected %>%
#   arrange(compound) %>%

# Combine both dataset
d.recovery.cummulated.all = d.recovery.cummulated.corrected %>% mutate(status = "ISTD-corrected") %>%
  rbind(d.recovery.cummulated %>% mutate(status = "Absolute"))

# d.recovery.cummulated.all %>%
#   arrange(compound, status) %>%

dg = .2

# plot 1
d.recovery.cummulated.all %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = step, y = recovery.cummulated, color = compound)) +
  geom_line(aes(group = compound), position = position_dodge(dg), alpha = .7) +
  theme(legend.position = "None", 
        panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, d.recovery.cummulated.corrected$recovery.cummulated %>% max(), by = 10)) +
  facet_wrap(~status, nrow = 1) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color.cmpd) +
  labs(x = "  ", y = "Recovery (%)")

# plot 2
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "Enhanced matrix removal", replacement = "EMR")
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "Dry & reconstitute", replacement = "Dry")
d.recovery.all$step[d.recovery.all$step == "Matrix effect (ESI)"] = "matrixEffect"
# not knowing why but this following command not work....
d.recovery.all$step = d.recovery.all$step %>% str_replace(pattern = "Matrix effect (ESI)", replacement = "matrixEffect")

# combine accumulated recovery with stepwise recovery 
d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise = 
  d.recovery.cummulated.all %>%
  left_join(d.recovery.all %>% rename(status = corrected), 
            by = c("compound", "step", "status")) %>%
  mutate(stepLossPercent = mean - 100)

# d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise %>% select(compound, step, recovery.cummulated, status) %>% 
#   arrange(compound, status) %>%

# mark y position in the plot for accumulated recovery -- horizontal line
d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise = 
  d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise %>%
  left_join(rbind(ymark, ymark.corrected) %>% rename(ymark = recovery.cummulated), 
            by = c("compound", "step", "status"))

# mark y position in the plot for stepwise loss -- vertical line
d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise = 
  d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise %>%
  group_by(compound, status, step)  %>%
  summarise(lossMarkPosition = mean(recovery.cummulated)) %>%
  left_join(d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise, by = c("compound", "status", "step"))

# now the main body has been built up, let's add the error band

# pp1 = d.recovery.all %>%
#   filter(corrected == "ISTD-corrected") %>% select(-corrected)
# pp1.mean = pp1 %>% select(-sd) %>% spread(step, mean) %>%
#   select(compound, Extraction, EMR, Dry)
# names(pp1.mean) = c("compound", names(pp1.mean)[-1] %>% str_c(".mean"))
# = pp1 %>% select(-mean) %>% spread(step, sd) %>%
#   select(compound, Extraction, EMR, Dry)
# names( = c("compound", names([-1] %>% str_c(".sd"))
# pp1.mean %>% left_join(, by = "compound") %>%
#   mutate(Extraction = Extraction.mean,
#          Extraction.errorBand =,
#          EMR = Extraction.mean * EMR.mean / 100,
#          EMR.errorBand = 
#          )

# re-compute the accumulated recovery (as cross validation) more importantly the errorband!!
myFunc1 = function(dataset){
  kkk1 = dataset %>% 
    mutate(Extraction = B.mean / PX.mean * 100,
           Extraction.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( / PX.mean)^2) * Extraction,
           EMR = B.mean / PC.mean * 100,
           EMR.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( / PC.mean)^2) * EMR,
           Dry = B.mean / PR.mean * 100, 
           Dry.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( / PR.mean)^2) * Dry,
           matrixEffect = B.mean / `PR neat.mean` * 100,
           matrixEffect.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + (`PR` / `PR neat.mean`)^2) * matrixEffect) %>%
    select(-contains(".mean"), -contains(".sd")) %>% 
  uu1 = kkk1 %>% select(compound, Extraction, EMR, Dry, matrixEffect) %>%
    gather(-compound, key = step, value = recovery.cummulated)
  uu2 = kkk1 %>% select(compound, contains("errorBand")) %>%
    gather(-compound, key = step, value = recovery.cummulated) 
  uu2$step = uu2$step %>% str_extract(one_or_more(WRD))
  uu2 = uu2 %>% rename(recovery.cummulated.errorBand = recovery.cummulated)
  kkk1 = uu1 %>% left_join(uu2, by = c("compound", "step"))

qqq1 = myFunc1(dataset = d.area.steps %>% select(-C.mean,, -contains("silica") ) ) %>%
  mutate(status = "Absolute")

qqq2 = myFunc1(dataset = d.area.corrected) %>%
  mutate(status = "ISTD-corrected")

d.recovery.cummulated.errorBand = qqq1 %>% rbind(qqq2, by = c("compound", "step")) %>%
  mutate(recovery.cummulated = recovery.cummulated %>% as.numeric(),
         recovery.cummulated.errorBand = recovery.cummulated.errorBand %>% as.numeric())

kkk1 = d.area.steps %>% select(-C.mean,, -contains("silica")) %>%
  mutate(Extraction = B.mean / PX.mean * 100,
         Extraction.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( / PX.mean)^2) * Extraction,
         EMR = B.mean / PC.mean * 100,
         EMR.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( / PC.mean)^2) * EMR,
         Dry = B.mean / PR.mean * 100,
         Dry.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + ( / PR.mean)^2) * Dry,
         matrixEffect = B.mean / `PR neat.mean` * 100,
         matrixEffect.errorBand = sqrt(( / B.mean)^2 + (`PR` / `PR neat.mean`)^2) * matrixEffect) %>%
  select(-contains(".mean"), -contains(".sd")) %>%

uu1 = kkk1 %>% select(compound, Extraction, EMR, Dry, matrixEffect) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = recovery.cummulated)

uu2 = kkk1 %>% select(compound, contains("errorBand")) %>%
  gather(-compound, key = step, value = recovery.cummulated)
uu2$step = uu2$step %>% str_extract(one_or_more(WRD))
uu2 = uu2 %>% rename(recovery.cummulated.errorBand = recovery.cummulated)

kkk1 = uu1 %>% left_join(uu2, by = c("compound", "step"))

# Combine with errorband dataset
d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise = 
  d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise %>% 
  left_join(d.recovery.cummulated.errorBand %>% rename(recovery.cummulated.homogenous = recovery.cummulated), 
            by = c("compound", "status", "step") )

# ordered factor
d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise$step  = 
         levels = c("Start", "Extraction", "EMR", "Dry", "matrixEffect", "Detected"), ordered = T)

# add numeric x axis to easy label the accumulated recovery
myX = seq(n_distinct(d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise$step))  
names(myX) = d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise$step %>% unique() %>% sort()
d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise$numericX = myX[d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise$step]

# Note that for "recovery.cummulated", each compound at each step has two values to form the vertical line in the plot, connecting the end of the prior step and the beginning of the following step. This term is only for purpse of drawing the line plot. For "recovery.cummulated.homogenous", its homogenous, it's the pure accumulated recovery at the end of the given step. It's used to draw the error band. The homogenous term is equal to one of the two recovery.cummulated values for a given compound at a given step (and also at the given status - IS corrected or not)

# plot
dg = 0
myalpha = .06

# define plot function

func.plotStepwiseRecovery = function(whichCompound) {
  dd.i = d.recovery.cummulated.all.withStepWise %>% filter(compound == whichCompound)
  dd.i %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = numericX, y = recovery.cummulated, color = status)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = status), position = position_dodge(dg), size = 1.2) +
    theme(legend.position = c(.25, .2),
          legend.title = element_blank(),
          legend.text = element_text(size = 14),
          panel.grid = element_blank(),
          strip.text = element_text(size = 14),
          axis.text = element_text(colour = "black"),
          axis.title = element_text(colour = "black")
    ) +
    # scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, max(dd.i$recovery.cummulated) + 10, by = 10)) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = myX) +
    facet_wrap(~compound, nrow = 3, scales = "free_y") +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    labs(x = " ", y = "Recovery (%)") +
    # error band
    # extraction error band for accumulated recovery until end of extraction
    geom_ribbon(data = dd.i %>% filter(step == "Extraction"),
                aes(ymin = recovery.cummulated.homogenous - recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    ymax = recovery.cummulated.homogenous + recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    x = c(2,3, 2,3), fill = status), alpha = myalpha, position = position_dodge(dg), 
                linetype = "dotted", show.legend = F) +
    # EMR error band for accumulated recovery until end of EMR 
    geom_ribbon(data = dd.i %>% filter(step == "EMR"),
                aes(ymin = recovery.cummulated.homogenous - recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    ymax = recovery.cummulated.homogenous + recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    x = c(3,4, 3,4), fill = status), alpha = myalpha, position = position_dodge(dg),  
                linetype = "dotted", show.legend = F) +
    # Dry and recovery error band for accumulated recovery until end of reconstitution
    geom_ribbon(data = dd.i %>% filter(step == "Dry"),
                aes(ymin = recovery.cummulated.homogenous - recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    ymax = recovery.cummulated.homogenous + recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    x = c(4,5, 4,5), fill = status), alpha = myalpha, position = position_dodge(dg), 
                linetype = "dotted", show.legend = F) +
    # Matrix effect error band for accumulated recovery until end of ESI
    geom_ribbon(data = dd.i %>% filter(step == "matrixEffect"),
                aes(ymin = recovery.cummulated.homogenous - recovery.cummulated.errorBand,
                    ymax = recovery.cummulated.homogenous + recovery.cummulated.errorBand, 
                    x = c(5,6, 5,6), fill = status), alpha = myalpha, position = position_dodge(dg), 
                linetype = "dotted", show.legend = F) +
    # Add annotation
    # stepwise loss
    geom_label(aes(label = round(stepLossPercent, 1), y = lossMarkPosition), 
               size = 5.5, label.padding = unit(0.12, "lines"),
               # fontface = "bold",
               position = position_dodge(dg)) +
    # accumulated recovery
    geom_label(aes(label = round(ymark, 1), 
                   fill = status, 
                   y = ymark, x = numericX + .5), 
               fontface = "bold", 
               size = 5.5,label.padding = unit(0.12, "lines"),
               color = "white")  

y1 = func.plotStepwiseRecovery(whichCompound =  "RK")

y2 = func.plotStepwiseRecovery(whichCompound =  "ROH")
y3 = func.plotStepwiseRecovery(whichCompound =  "RK-Me")
y4 = func.plotStepwiseRecovery(whichCompound =  "3-HBA")

plt.streamLine = plot_grid(y1, y2,  nrow = 2)

# y3 = plot_grid(yy, plt.accuracy, nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(7, 4))

Accuracy variance vs.background

# accuracy variance with background interference
plt.accuracyVariance.vs.background = d.ABCD %>% select(compound, contains("Accuracy"), Name, conc.expected) %>% 
  left_join(d.conc.blk, by = "compound") %>%
  mutate(ratio.spk.vs.blk = conc.expected / conc.blk.mean) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = ratio.spk.vs.blk, y =, color = Name)) +
  geom_point(size = 2, alpha = .5) +
  geom_point(size = 2, shape = 21, fill = NA) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm",  show.legend = F, aes(fill = Name), alpha = .1) +
  scale_y_log10() +
  scale_x_log10() +
  annotation_logticks(sides = "lb") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  theme(legend.position = "right",
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 13))


plt.accuracyAnalysis = plot_grid(
  plt.accuracy, ggplot() + theme_void(), plt.accuracyVariance.vs.background, 
  nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(5, 1.5, 4))

plt.Validation.Accuracy.Recovery = plot_grid(
  plot_grid(plt.recovery.all, plt.streamLine, rel_widths = c(6, 3)), 
  # nrow = 3,
  # rel_heights = c(3, 3.6, 3)
  nrow = 2,
  rel_heights = c(2.2, 1)

Validation all plots


# 15.3 X 18

Sorbent revisit2

The effect of biomatrices and sorbent on analytes’ recovery

# ----Compare with the prior without sorbent in presence of biomatrices
# the first formal validation study that renders low recovery
mypath = "/Users/Boyuan/Desktop/My publication/17. EMR Adipose RK metabolites/Archived/EMR_all data.xlsx"

# peak area 
d.area = read_excel(mypath, sheet = "peak area")

d.area.copy = d.area

d.area = d.area %>% filter(Name %in% c("PRneat", "B", "PX", "PC", "PR", "BLK" )) %>%
  gather(-c(`Data File`, Name, `Acq. Date-Time`), key = compound, value = area)

d.area.blk = d.area %>%
  filter(Name == "BLK") %>% group_by(compound) %>%
  summarise(area.blk.mean = mean(area), area.blk.std = sd(area))

d.area.spk = d.area %>% filter(Name != "BLK") %>% group_by(compound, Name) %>% 
  summarise(area.mean = mean(area),
   = sd(area)) %>%
  # subtract blank
  left_join(d.area.blk, by = "compound") %>%
  mutate(area.spk = area.mean - area.blk.mean, = sqrt( ^2 + area.blk.std ^ 2 )) %>%
  select(compound, Name, contains("spk"))

# tidy up
x = d.area.spk %>% select( %>%
  spread(key = Name, value = area.spk)

y = d.area.spk %>% select(-area.spk) %>%
  spread(key = Name, value =
colnames(y) = c("compound", colnames(y)[-1] %>% str_c(".sd"))
## # A tibble: 26 x 6
## # Groups:   compound [26]
##    compound
##    <chr>      <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 3-HBA      376.   587.  1884.      397.  659.
##  2 3-HPAA     777.   453.   905.      357.  677.
##  3 3-HPPA     505.   768.  1032.      649. 1122.
##  4 3,4-DHBA   802.   546.   737.      286.  709.
##  5 3,4-DHPAA 1269.   182.   274.      353.  768.
##  6 3,4-DHPE    69.2  189.   602.      207.  360.
##  7 3,4-DHPPA  674.   643.   464.      552.  439.
##  8 4-HBA     3929.  2995.  2762.     1408. 5057.
##  9 4-HBOH      29.5   77.0  566.      215.  196.
## 10 4-HCA      947.   543.  1144.     1031.  916.
## # … with 16 more rows = left_join(x, y, by = "compound")

# compute analyte loss at each step = %>%
  mutate(rec.extract = B / PX * 100, 
         rec.cleanup = PX / PC * 100, 
         rec.dryConcentrate = PC / PR * 100, = (( / PC)^2 + ( / PR)^2) * rec.dryConcentrate ) = %>% 
  select(compound, contains("rec")) %>%
  select(-contains("sd")) %>%
  gather(-1, key = step, value = recovery) 

# Combine the recovery with and without sorbent in presence of biomatrices
# data from the first validation study (the one that failed due to low recovery at drying step without sorbent)
k1 = %>% 
  select(compound, contains("rec.dryConcentrate")) %>%
  mutate(sorbent = "with biomatrix, no sorbent") %>% ungroup() 

# data from the second validation study conducted with sorbent of C18 ca. 2~5 mg/600 uL ACN extract
k2 = d.recovery.all %>%
  filter(step == "Dry") %>% filter(corrected == "Absolute") %>%
  select(compound, mean, sd) %>%
  mutate(sorbent = "with biomatrix, with C18") %>%
  rename(rec.dryConcentrate = mean,  = sd) %>% ungroup()

d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices = k1 %>% rbind(k2)

# combine with when having biomatrix, with or without sorbent
d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices = 
  # no biomatrix, no sorbent
  d.opt.sorbent.recovery %>%
  filter(sorbent == "Sorbent free") %>% ungroup() %>%
  select(compound, recovery.mean, %>%
  rename(rec.dryConcentrate = recovery.mean,  = %>%
  mutate(sorbent = "no biomatrix, no sorbent") %>%

# ordered matrix-sorbent condition
d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices$sorbent = 
  d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices$sorbent %>% 
  factor(levels = d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices$sorbent %>% unique(), ordered = T)

# plot
# arrange compound from low to high recovery
jjj = d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices %>% 
  group_by(compound) %>%
  summarise(mean.rec = mean(rec.dryConcentrate)) %>%
cmpd.ordered.dryRecovery = jjj$compound %>% unique()

d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices$compound = 
  d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices$compound %>%
  factor(levels = cmpd.ordered.dryRecovery, ordered = T)

# now plot!

dg = .6
plt.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices =
  d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices %>%
  filter(rec.dryConcentrate < 120) %>% # 4-HPPA, no biomatrix no sorbent the recoveryca. 150 outlier remove it
  ggplot(aes(x = compound, y = rec.dryConcentrate, fill = sorbent)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(dg), alpha = 1, width = .7) +
  theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "bottom",
        legend.text = element_text(size = 11),
        legend.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 11)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 120, 20)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes( ymin = rec.dryConcentrate -,
                     ymax = rec.dryConcentrate +,
                     color = sorbent),
                position = position_dodge(dg), width = .5) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(y = "Recovery (%) ") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("snow4", "tomato", "skyblue")) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("snow4", "tomato", "skyblue"))
# plt.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices
# plot sorbent rsult
          nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(1.5, 1))

#  big screen 14.7 X 8.16

Sorbent revist-3

Validation at level C, 50 ng/mL injection conc.

# Check the effect of with vs. without sorbent validated at level C, i.e. about 50 ng/mL
d.area = read_excel(path, sheet = "peak area")
gg = d.area %>%
  filter(Name %in% c("C", "no silica gel")) %>%
  select(-c(`Acq. Date-Time`, `Data File`)) %>%
  gather(-Name, key = compound, value = resp) %>%
  group_by(Name, compound) %>%
  summarise(resp.mean = mean(resp),
   = sd(resp))

gg = gg %>%
  group_by(compound) %>%
  mutate(resp.mean.normalize = resp.mean / mean(resp.mean), = / mean(resp.mean)) %>%
  select(Name, compound, contains("normalize")) 

mj = gg %>% filter(Name == "C") %>%

gg$compound = factor(gg$compound, levels = rev(mj$compound), ordered = T)
gg %>% filter(compound != "4-HPPA") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = compound, y = resp.mean.normalize, color = Name, fill = Name)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", alpha = .6, position = position_dodge(.6)) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = resp.mean.normalize -,
                    ymax = resp.mean.normalize +, 
                width = .3, position = position_dodge(.6)) +
  # coord_flip() +
  labs(y = "Normalized peak area") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1),
        panel.grid = element_blank())

Check numbers for paper writing

# -- check some numbers for paper writing

d.checkProcessingEfficency.vs.accuracy.B.Level = d.ABCD %>% filter(Name == "B") %>% 
  select(compound, Accuracy.mean) %>% 
  left_join(d.recovery.all %>% filter(step == "Overall processing efficiency") %>%
              filter(corrected == "ISTD-corrected"), by = "compound") %>%
  select(compound, Accuracy.mean, mean) %>%
  rename(ProcessingEfficiency.corrected = mean) %>%
  mutate(ratio = Accuracy.mean / ProcessingEfficiency.corrected) %>%

d.checkProcessingEfficency.vs.accuracy.B.Level$compound = 
         levels = d.checkProcessingEfficency.vs.accuracy.B.Level$compound, 
         ordered = T)

d.checkProcessingEfficency.vs.accuracy.B.Level %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = compound, y = ratio)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  coord_flip() +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 1, xend = 26, y = 1, yend = 1))

d.recovery.all$step %>% unique()
## [1] "Extraction"                   
## [2] "EMR"                          
## [3] "Dry"                          
## [4] "Overall recovery"             
## [5] "matrixEffect"                 
## [6] "Overall processing efficiency"
px = d.recovery.all %>% 
  filter(step == "Overall processing efficiency") %>%
  filter(corrected == "ISTD-corrected") %>%
  arrange(mean) %>% 
# px
px$mean %>% hist(breaks = 26)

kkkkk = d.recovery.all %>% 
  filter(step == "Overall processing efficiency") %>%
  select(-step, -sd) %>%
  spread(key = corrected, value = mean) %>%
  mutate(correctAmoung = `ISTD-corrected` - Absolute)
kkkkk$correctAmoung %>% hist(breaks = 26)   

pp = d.recoveryCompare.sorbentWithBiomatrices %>%
  select(-contains(".sd")) %>%
  spread(sorbent, rec.dryConcentrate) %>%
  mutate(sorb.improv = `with biomatrix, with C18` - `with biomatrix, no sorbent`) %>%
  arrange(sorb.improv) %>%
# pp